Perle系统有限公司,一个远程连接方案的提供商,承诺减少和防止对环境的污染。 作为一个EMS 14001:2015 certified 标准认证的公司,我们确保我们的产品不会对环境造成不利的影响,同时这些产品也在我们的管理改进组的控制和监控之中。我们确定所有的合法的要求都能得到满足,环境管理体系的持续性改进对我们有着重大的意义。

Perle Systems与行业供应商一起合作,以遵守欧盟限制在电气电子设备中使用某些有毒有害物质(RoHS3)的指令2015/863。 在中国销售的Perle产品满足中国信息产业部39号令《电子信息产品污染控制管理办法》的要求,该管理办法通常被称作China-RoHS。销往中国的所有Perle电子硬件产品都受China-RoHS的影响,该公司已经满足了2007年3月1日达标的最后期限。订购的销售于中国的产品,包括符合适用规章要求和标准的、产品上的适当的环境保护使用期(EPUP)标签、有毒有害物质表以及包装上的循环再生标记。随着中国管理当局最后确定其它的要求,Perle还将确保继续遵守China-RoHS。

2012年7月4日生效的欧盟指令2012/19/EU鼓励设计和生产考虑到WEEE再利用和再循环的电子和电气设备。 Perle Systems完全符合WEEE指令。
REACH Compliance

Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals Regulation (EC No1907/2006) applies to EU Member states as well as the EFTA European Economic Area (EEA) countries Norway, Liechtenstein and Iceland. REACH makes industry responsible for assessing and managing the risks posed by chemicals and providing appropriate safety information to their users.
Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals Regulation (EC No1907/2006) applies to EU Member states as well as the EFTA European Economic Area (EEA) countries Norway, Liechtenstein and Iceland. REACH makes industry responsible for assessing and managing the risks posed by chemicals and providing appropriate safety information to their users.
Perle Declaration Regarding the REACH "Duty to Communicate Information on Substances of Very High Concern (SVHCs)"
Perle product and product packaging, based on Perle's knowledge, do not contain chemical substances included on the candidate list in a concentration above 0.1% weight by weight (w/w).
Perle supports the overall REACH objective and will meet all applicable REACH requirements. Perle is strongly committed to working with our customers and supply chain to define and implement the REACH requirements and help ensure continued compliance.