Ethernet I/O
IOLAN DS I/O 设备服务器
- 远程访问和控制的数字 I/O 和继电器
- 通用数字 I/O,模拟量输入,输入的热电阻/热电偶温度传感器
- 10/100 以太网接口与 1.5 k v 隔离 (802.3 标准)
- 电源和 I/O 接线端子连接器
Perle 的以太网 I/O 技术 (IOLAN DS I/O 设备服务器) 实现了全面访问和控制远程数字 I/O、模拟 I/O、继电器和温度传感器以及连接任何IP网络上的远程串行设备。IOLAN DS I/O 能够监视环境警报、入侵探测、继电器触点闭合以及设备故障。通过远程管理员或应用控制,打开和关闭集成的继电器触点或激活数字输出信号等功能,可以被整合在对关键事件的任何响应中。
管理、监视和控制高价值的分布式 I/O 资产
- 监视和保护高价值的分布式 I/O 资产所涉及的不仅是对其数据的访问,它还涉及保护和控制其物理环境以及必要时采取纠正措施的能力。数字和模拟传感器、接近开关和机械开关、继电器、按钮、温度和湿度传感器,可以帮助判定资产当地环境的完整性。通过网络发回支持中心的来自这些装置的信息,可以帮助企业更迅速地应对重大事件或故障。IOLAN DS I/O 设备服务器非常适合于这些应用场合。
- 通用的数字 I/O、模拟输入、RTD/热电偶温度传感器输入以及 EIA/RS-232/422/485,为广泛的应用场合提供了灵活性
- 数字I / O扩展提供了 一个电缆替代解决方案,它通过IP以太网络传递数字输入信号至远程设备
- 所连接的 I/O 设备是 Modbus UID 可寻址的,从而确保运行的兼容性
- 网络和串行接口指示灯,便于故障诊断
- 采用Syslog 的高级事件管理,SNMP V3 事件通知
- 通过 Perle Device Manager for Windows的集中管理功能
- 使用常见的web 浏览器或命令行界面访问 IOLAN DS 装置
- Software Development Kit available to develop powerful custom applications
使用通用的中心应用通过以太网访问 I/O 设备
IOLAN I/O 设备服务器非常适合于使用常见的采用MODbus/TCP协议的 SCADA 或 OPC 服务器以及利用SNMP的网络管理系统 (NMS) 进行远程 I/O 管理
对以太网 I/O灵活可靠的 COM/TTY 访问
IOLAN I/O 设备服务器非常适合于将基于 COM/TTY 的应用(如 MODbus ASCII/RTU )连接到远程 I/O 设备。Perle 的 TruePort 重定向程序在IP网络上提供了 COM 端口或固定的 TTY 连接。
同时提供应用编程接口 ( API ),以便可以开发定制的应用,以访问连接到远程IOLAN I/O设备服务器的分布式I/O 通道。常见的串行应用如 Visual Basic ,可用于发送 IOLAN API 命令到IP网络上的远程 IOLAN I/O 设备服务器。该 API 可用于当今最普及的操作系统。
通用 I/O
IOLAN DS I/O 设备服务器可连接到各种分布式 I/O 设备。
要查看示例, 请单击此处。
当在各种环境上使用时,IOLAN I/O 设备服务器上的通用 I/O能够提供灵活性。各个数字通道可以被配置为输入或输出。模拟输入能够支持广泛的电压或电流型设备,包括工业级温度传感器,如热电偶和 RTD。
IOLAN DS I/O 设备服务器能够测量输入状态,并且能够智能地向企业资源(如基于TCP/IP网络的中心应用程序、Syslog 或 SNMP)发出警报。通过在超过预先定义的阈值时立即产生警报,需要时可以传递警报通知。这样就消除了与轮询环境相关联的基于数据包的开销。
紧凑的保护金属外壳,适合墙壁安装或 DIN rail 安装环境。通过2000 Vrms的I/O通道光隔离、1500 Vrms的以太网隔离、RTD / 热电偶输入上的开路/短路探测逻辑、以及所有串行插脚上的15000伏静电放电保护,提供了工业级的装置保护。
Perle IOLAN DS的背后有业内最好的服务和支持做支撑,包括Perle独有的终生保证。从1976年起,Perle一直在向其客户提供具有最高性能、灵活性和质量的联网产品。
Hardware Specifications for Perle I/O Device Servers
IOLAN DS1 D4, DS1 A4, DS1 D2R2, DS1 T4, DS1 A4R2, DS1 A4D2
Main Processor
MPC852T, 66 Mhz, 87 MIPS
16 MB
4 MB
I/O Processor
- 1 x 10/100Mb RJ45
- 1.5 KV magnetic isolation
I/O Connectors
Removable terminal blocks
Digital I/O
- 2 or 4 channels depending on model
- software selectable as inputs or outputs
- optical isolation of 2000V rms
Digital Input
Dry Contact
Logic 0 = open. Logic 1= close to GND
Wet Contact
Logic 0 = 0-3VDC, Logic 1= 10VDC-30VDC
Digital Output
- Open collector to 30VDC (source, sink or both)
- 200 mA max load
- Digital out (DO) or pulse mode
Form C type SPDT
Contact rating
1A@30VDC, 0.5A @AC: 120VAC
Breakdown voltage
500 VAC (50/60 Hz)
Relay on time
7 msec; Relay off time: 3 msec.
Total switching time
10 msec.
Insulation resistance
1000 MW minimum at 500 VDC
Analog Input
4 differential
16-bit resolution
Input range
±150 mVDC, ±500 mVDC, ±1 VDC, ±5 VDC, ±10 VDC, 0-20 mA, 4-20 mA
Optical Isolation
3000 VDC
Fault and overvoltage protection
up to ±35 V
Sampling rate
10 samples/sec.
Input impedance
20 M Ohm
±0.1% or better
Zero drift
±5 µV/° C
Span drift
±25 ppm/° C
CMR @ 50/60 Hz
90 dB min
Thermocouple Input
J, K, T, E, R, S, B
Isolation voltage
2000 VDC
Sampling rate
10 samples/sec.
±0.15% or better
Zero drift
±5 µV/° C
Span drift
±25 ppm/° C
CMR @ 50/60 Hz
130 dB
RTD (Resistance Temperature Detector)
4 differential inputs
Input type
PT100, PT1000, Ni 518
Optical Isolation
2000 VDC
Sampling rate
10 samples/sec
±0.05% or better
Zero drift
±2.5 µV/° C
Span drift
±25 ppm/° C
CMR @ 50/60 Hz
130 dB
IPV6, IPV4, TCP/IP, ARP, RARP, UDP, UDP Multicast, ICMP, BOOTP, DHCP, TFTP, Telnet, raw, reverse Telnet, MODBus/TCP, RCP, WINS, HTTP, SNMPV3*
Via Web browser
Perle DeviceManager software to manage single or multiple device servers
CLI – Telnet or shared console port
SNMP, MIB II, Perle MIB, read and write capabilities
Easy Configuration Wizard
Failsafe mode
Default outputs if loss of communication occurs
Set a personalized factory default for IOLANs
Serial Port
Software selectable EIA/RS-232/422/485
DB9M connector
Full modem and hardware flow control on RS-232
50bps to 230Kbps for EIA-232
Customizable baud rate support for unique speed requirements
up to 230Kbps for EIA-422/485
SUN Break Safe
Full bidirectional modem support
15Kv ESD protection on all signals
EIA 232 full duplex
EIA 422 full duplex
EIA 485 4 wire, full duplex
EIA 485 2 wire, half duplex, with echo
EIA 485 2 wire, half duplex, without echo
Network Link activity
Transmit and Receive data LEDs
Dimensions, Weight
(L x W x H): 12.7 x 9.2 x 4.5 (cm)
0.5 kg
9-30V DC on terminal blocks.
Optional AC adapters available from Perle
p/n 04031154 (USA), 04031151 (UK), 04031152 (EU)
TruePort: Fixed TTY/COM port emulation software.
TruePort com/tty redirector for serial based applications on Windows, Linux, Solaris, SCO, HP UX, NCR UNIX and AIX. Perle supports the most comprehensive driver set in the industry. For a complete list of all the latest drivers click here.
Operating Temperature
0°C to +55°C (32°F to +131°F)
Storage Temperature
-40°C to +66°C (-40°F to +150°F)
Reach, RoHS and WEEE Compliant
Metal with an IP30 ingress protection rating
FCC Part 15A, CE, UL/EN/IEC 62368-1 (previously 60950-1), CAN/CSA C22.2 No. 62368-1, EN 55022 Class A, EN 55024 Class A, CFR 47, ICES-003
Limited Lifetime Warranty
Line Art
IOLAN DS1 D4 – 4 Digital I/O and 1 RS-232/422/485 Serial Port
IOLAN DS1 D2R2 – 2 Digital I/O, 2 Relay outputs and 1 RS-232/422/485 Serial Port
IOLAN DS1 A4 – 4 Analog Inputs and 1 RS-232/422/485 Serial Port
IOLAN DS1 T4 – 4 Thermocouple/RTD sensor inputs and 1 RS-232/422/485 Serial Port
IOLAN DS1 A4R2 – 4 Analog inputs and 2 Relay Outputs and 1 RS-232/422/485 Serial Port
IOLAN DS1 A4D2 – 4 Analog inputs and 2 Digital I/O and 1 RS-232/422/485 Serial Port
Application Diagrams
I/O Tunneling
Pass the state of a digital I/O input on one end and mirror this condition on the digital output on the other end. For example, a dry contact closure at one remote location can, in effect, be duplicated via a closure of a relay contact at another location using an IP Ethernet network.

RS232 Control
RS232 control signals such as DSR, DCD and CTS can also be used as digital extension inputs to the IOLAN I/O Device Server. This is ideal where a contact closure is required at a remote location, but the source end point has an RS232 serial port instead of a pure digital I/O output. With a connection to its DB9 serial port, the IOLAN will pass the state condition to its remote peer accordingly.

Multipoint Operation
IOLAN Ethernet I/O Device Servers can also be configured for multipoint operation where a single digital input condition can be duplicated or mirrored across up to 49 IOLAN digital outputs. This is ideal for redundancy applications where critical remote digital conditions need to be visible to multiple pieces of monitoring equipment simultaneously.

Automatic Backup
When a backup digital output location is required, the IOLAN Ethernet I/O Device Server automatic backup feature can be used. Whenever the primary session fails, the IOLAN will automatically seek to establish a session with a secondary IOLAN device. Once the primary session resumes, the source IOLAN will terminate the secondary session and resume sending events on the primary.

Event Notification
Ethernet I/O Event Notification to a TCP/IP Application
Custom TCP/IP applications can be created to receive digital events from remote digital inputs such as alarms and contact closures. These applications can then record, notify and react to the digital event notification accordingly.
The Digital I/O extension feature’s event driven notification message is a simple 20 byte format enabling programmers to quickly develop an interface to remote IOLAN Ethernet I/O Device Servers.


IOLAN DS1 D4 - four digital I/O, 1 x DB9M serial port, software selectable RS232/422/485 interface, 10/100 Ethernet. Terminal block connectors for power and I/O

IOLAN DS1 D2R2 - two digital I/O and two relay outputs, 1 x DB9M serial port, software selectable RS232/422/485 interface, 10/100 Ethernet. Terminal block connectors for power and I/O

IOLAN DS1 A4 - four analog inputs, 1 x DB9M serial port, software selectable RS232/422/485 interface, 10/100 Ethernet. Terminal block connectors for power and I/O

IOLAN DS1 T4 - four thermocouple/RTD inputs, 1 x DB9M serial port, software selectable RS232/422/485 interface, 10/100 Ethernet. Terminal block connectors for power and I/O

IOLAN DS1 A4R2 - four analog inputs and two relay outputs, 1 x DB9M serial port, software selectable RS232/422/485 interface, 10/100 Ethernet. Terminal block connectors for power and I/O

IOLAN DS1 A4D2 - four analog inputs and two digital I/O, 1 x DB9M serial port, software selectable RS232/422/485 interface, 10/100 Ethernet. Terminal block connectors for power and I/O